Solar Hydrogen Energy Lab Kit


Integration of Theory and Practice
Easy to Install
Comprehensive Simulation
Safety and Ease of Use
Eco-friendly and Sustainable
Observation and Learning

Solar Hydrogen Energy Lab Kit Incloud

A. Solar energy – electric energy demonstration platform
2.Solar panel

B. Comprehensive demonstration platform
3.Electrolytic cell module
4.Storage tank
5.Fuel cell module
8.LED light
9.Volt-ampere meter
10.Thick wire
11.Thin wire
12.Silicone tube
14.Battery box

Solar Hydrogen Energy Lab Kit
Solar Hydrogen Energy Lab Kit

Introduce Renewable Energy Concepts with Our Solar Hydrogen Fuel Cell Kit

Our solar hydrogen fuel cell kit provides hands-on learning to demonstrate renewable energy concepts. Students can build their own functional fuel cell to convert chemical energy into electricity, simulating hydrogen production and reuse.

Students will observe the electrolysis reactions first-hand as bubbles form from the solar-powered splitting of water. The stored hydrogen gas is then fed into the fuel cell where it reacts with oxygen to generate electricity, lighting up the LED.

The process illustrates how solar energy can be stored as hydrogen fuel and reused on demand to create renewable electricity. It’s an engaging introduction to hydrogen production, storage and fuel cell technology.

Solar Hydrogen Energy Lab Kit
student experiments

The experiments guide students through the principles step-by-step. Learn how factors like electrolyte acidity/alkalinity affect the chemical reactions. Monitor voltage levels. Calculate gas volumes produced.

With both written and visual instructions provided, students gain practical skills in building circuits, making measurements, analyzing results, and more. Reusable materials mean the kit supports repeated experiments and demonstrations.

Bring renewable energy science to life in your classroom with this all-in-one fuel cell educational kit. Suitable for chemistry, physics, environmental science, and engineering education. Contact us today to learn more!

Solar Hydrogen System

Experimental Phenomena and Principles

Experimental Phenomenon 1:

When light shines directly on the solar panel, small bubbles are generated on the metal plates in the electrolysis module. The produced gas is stored in the storage tank through the silicone tube, indicating that the electrolysis module is functioning normally.

Under normal operating conditions, the voltage of the solar cell is around 1.5V-2V, as shown :

Solar Hydrogen Energy System
Solar Hydrogen Energy System

Experimental Principle 1:

The solar panel is a device that can convert light energy into electrical energy. As long as there is light, it can convert the received light energy into electricity. In this experiment, a floodlight is used to simulate sunlight. Therefore, a voltage can be measured on the wires connected to the solar panel.

The electrolysis device is able to decompose water to produce hydrogen and oxygen gas using electrical energy. As long as there is electricity and water, the electrolysis reaction can split water into hydrogen and oxygen gas. The specific reaction equations are as follows:

Anode: 2H2O - 4e- → 4H+ + O2↑
Cathode: 4H+ + 4e- → 2H2↑
Overall: 2H2O → 2H2↑ + O2

In this experiment, the solar panel provides the electrolytic cell with electricity and the tank provides sufficient water. Therefore, bubbles are generated on both sides of the electrolysis device. The amount of hydrogen gas is twice that of oxygen gas.

The electrolysis reaction can be divided into acid electrolysis and alkaline electrolysis. Since the fuel cell uses perfluorosulfonic acid resin as the electrolyte, the electrolysis in this experiment is an acid electrolysis reaction. The equation for alkaline electrolysis is:

Anode: 4OH- - 4e- → 2H2O + O2↑
Cathode: 4H2O + 4e- → 4OH- + 2H2↑
Overall: 2H2O → 2H2↑ + O2

Experimental Phenomenon 2:

After 5 to 10 minutes, connect the wires of the LED light and fan to the fuel cell module. At this point, the LED light will immediately start flashing and the fan will start spinning immediately, as shown:

Experimental phenomenon 2
Experimental phenomenon 2

Experimental Principle 2:

The fuel cell is a device that can convert the chemical energy contained in the fuel into electrical energy. As long as there is fuel (hydrogen and oxygen gas), it can convert chemical energy into electrical energy. Since the electrolyte inside the fuel cell is acidic, the specific reaction equations are as follows:

In this experiment, the electrolysis device provides fuel (hydrogen and oxygen gas) to the fuel cell, which converts the chemical energy in the fuel into electrical energy and transmits this electricity through wires to the LED light and fan, causing the LED to flash and the fan to spin.

Anode: H2 - 2e- → 2H+
Cathode: O2 gains electrons, i.e. O2 + 4e- → 2O2-
O2- cannot exist alone under acidic conditions, it can only combine with H+ to generate H2O, i.e. O2- + 2H+ → H2O

Therefore, the electrode reaction at the cathode is:
O2 + 4H+ + 4e- → 2H2O
(O2 + 4e- → 2O2-, 2O2- + 4H+ → 2H2O)

Overall reaction: 2H2 + O2 → 2H2O

Teaching Points

In general, to understand the chemical reactions occurring in a fuel cell, it is crucial to pay close attention to the acidity/alkalinity of the electrolyte. The electrode reactions occurring at the anode and cathode are not isolated – they are often closely linked to the electrolyte solution.

For example, hydrogen-oxygen fuel cells have acidic and alkaline variants. In an acidic electrolyte, the anode reaction is:

2H2 – 4e → 4H+

And the cathode reaction is:

O2 + 4H+ + 4e → 2H2O

In an alkaline electrolyte solution, H+ cannot appear, just as OH- cannot appear in an acidic electrolyte. The electrode reactions in a fuel cell are closely tied to the acidity/alkalinity of its electrolyte.

The key point is to pay close attention to the electrolyte’s acid/base properties when analyzing the electrode reactions in a fuel cell system. The reactions are coupled to the electrolyte environment.

When the electrolyte solution is acidic:

Anode: 2H2 - 4e- → 4H+
Cathode: O2 + 4e- + 4H+ → 2H2O

When the electrolyte solution is alkaline:

Anode: 2H2 - 4e- + 4OH- → 4H2O
Cathode: O2 + 4e- + 2H2O → 4OH-