Why most people think hho car kit is a scam

Effect of hydroxy (HHO) gas addition on performance and exhaust emissions in compression ignition engines

On YouTube and in most of the products available on the market, an alkaline hydrogen generator is used to electrolyze Brown gas (HHO), producing hydrogen and oxygen. The decomposer, which uses stainless steel, requires 12V 15-20A electricity for electrolysis, consuming 200W of power to generate hydrogen. This places a significant burden on the generator, and the hydrogen produced by the KOH-incorporated decomposer is also corrosive to the engine. Additionally, most of these systems do not use a microcomputer to tune the ECU.

Engine Fuel Economy Analysis

Engine Fuel Economy Analysis
Engine Fuel Economy Analysis

From the engine fuel consumption diagram, it can be seen that the lowest fuel consumption occurs in the range of 2000 RPM and 60 NM, where fuel economy is optimal and combustion efficiency is highest. In the area of 1000 RPM to 2000 RPM and 10 NM to 30 NM, fuel consumption is highest, meaning fuel economy is the worst, and combustion efficiency is the lowest. The fundamental reason for this is the relatively slow flame propagation speed of gasoline, resulting in incomplete combustion during the engine’s speed-up process. Consequently, an area with low combustion efficiency is formed. As most cars drive in urban areas, they spend a majority of time in this working condition, leading to higher fuel consumption.

Mixing hydrogen into the engine can help alleviate this issue since the flame spread of hydrogen is eight times faster than that of gasoline. The hydrogen flame can ignite all gasoline injected into the engine in a very short period, supporting the combustion of gasoline and improving engine combustion efficiency.

Questions about the Laws of Thermodynamics for HHO Car Kit

In Guangzhou and Shenzhen, China, some technology companies have developed a PEM pure water hydrogen generator for use in cars. This PEM hydrogen generator only requires 3.5V 10-15A electricity, consuming 40W of power, which is equal to a car’s light bulb, and can produce 300 ml/min of hydrogen and oxygen. There is no additional burden on the generator. Additionally, a microchip program is used to correct engine parameters, adjust ignition timing, and shift timing, which can improve the engine’s fuel combustion efficiency under low working conditions.

Sacrificing about 40W of energy to increase the combustion efficiency of the engine from about 10% to a combustion rate of 20%-40% at low operating conditions is worthwhile. This approach can also increase the fuel-saving rate by 15% and the power increase by 20%. Only pure water is added, with no chemical reagents required. There is no violation of the conservation of energy principle. However, after adding hydrogen, the combustion efficiency changes, and the energy generated at this time is different from the energy produced when no hydrogen is added.

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